UET Undergraduate Admissions Policy 2020

University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore has announced new policy for admissions  in undergraduate programs. According to the new policy, the candidates, who are waiting for their intermediate part II results, are now eligible to apply for admission in UET.  

UET Undergraduate Admissions Policy 2020

However, admission of UET was linked with declaration of second year Intermediate result by the Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISEs), the admission process was delayed as compared to competing institutions that provide engineering education and offer admission based on 1st year Intermediate result. 

Moreover, these institutions also charge heavy admission and tuition fees without waiting for result of 2nd year. As a consequence, a candidate who has been admitted in any such institute and subsequently earns admission in UET Lahore faces a major financial loss due to the refund policy currently in vogue. 

The statistical analysis carried out by the University for the past few years also revealed that first-year and second-year marks are positively correlated with the final intermediate marks, keeping these facts in view and after detailed deliberation on the matter, the Academic Council of the University in its 221st meeting held on 15th January 2020 recommended and Syndicate in its 1/2020 meeting held on 29th February and 5th March 2020 approved “Undergraduate Admission Policy 2020” for UET Lahore. This policy enables UET Lahore to grant admission based on marks in Entry Test, Matric, and Intermediate 1st year (or O level).

Another major changes are made in Admissions aggregate policy. Previously, UET aggregate constituted 70% weightage for Intermediate Marks(FSc, ICS) and 30% for Entrance Test, ECAT. But now Matriculation marks weightage has been added. So the new aggregate will based on

25 % Matric 

45% Intermediate Part 1

30% ECAT

The details of this notification are under:

For the first time in the history of the University, the UET Entry Test will be held online this year, immediately at the end of Intermediate Theory Examinations of second-year. In this regard, the University has signed an MoU with Virtual University of Pakistan to conduct the Entry Test at the designated VU Campuses in Punjab.

The University believes that the decisions of early admissions and online test will facilitate the candidates in the Entry Test and provide them a level playing field in choosing the engineering institution of their choice. This will particularly help the candidates belonging to lower and lower middle class families. The colleges and institutes affiliated with UET Lahore will also follow the same admission policy.


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    1. Solve mcqs yourself, if any confusion DM on our Facebook Page

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    1. We don't have answers. Solve mcqs yourself, if there is any confusion, msg us on our Facebook page


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